Dry Diving Information, Dry Dive dates and costs, Midlands Diving Chamber

What is Dry Diving?

Dry diving is exactly as it sounds. A hyperbaric chamber is the perfect environment to test a diver's ability at depth, but in a safe and water-free environment.

Decompression illness DCI can result from a diver's inability to handle nitrogen narcosis.

If a diver is underwater the first time they experience narcosis, they can panic and risk DCI.

A dry dive can prepare a diver mentally for what can happen underwater.

Book a Dry Dive with the Midlands Diving Chamber

Inside the Midlands Diving Chamber

Inside the chamber.

Recompression Chamber at Midlands Diving Chamber

What happens in Dry Diving?

  • The divers fill in a self-declaration medical form. Any questions ticked YES must be covered by a Fit to Dive medical. (These can be done at MDC with enough notice).
  • Divers change into scrubs (provided).
  • After a briefing, divers (maximum of 9) enter the chamber accompanied by an MDC supervisor.
  • The chamber is compressed to 40m.
  • After maximum bottom time is reached, decompression begins.
  • At the end of the session there is a post-dive briefing plus time for questions and logbook stamping.

Please remember that like a wet dive, a dry dive does carry a risk of DCI, although an extremely minimal one as the environment is carefully controlled. Please report any abnormal symptoms immediately.

Costs and Requirements for Dry Diving

A maximum of nine divers can be taken per dry dive.

Divers must be at least 18 years old for insurance reasons.

Divers must bring along a certification card or logbook so it can be sighted by chamber staff.

The cost is a charter price of £450.00 per chamber dive, payable no later than seven days before the dive takes place. A discount can be arranged if there is a larger group that requires more than one dive.

Any individual who requires a diving medical to dive must submit it no less than seven days prior to the dive.

A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for cancellations, otherwise the deposit becomes non-refundable. Dives can be rebooked within this period for no extra charge.

Dates of Dry Diving

To find out dates when the Midlands Diving Chamber is running Dry Dives, please click here.

MDC - Run By Divers For Divers