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Join us for an evening of escapism, adventure and laughter, with great speakers and most importantly, fundraising for a great cause.
more details of the Dive Lectures 2021 »

This week Midlands Diving Chamber (MDC) announced its support for Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation, naming the NGO as its charity of the year. Throughout 2020 MDC plans to raise money and awareness for the charity's campaigns to end the sale of shark products in the UK.
more details of the MDC Partnership with Bite-Back »

The Midlands Diving Chamber has hit the headlines again with our star patient, London 2012 Gold Medalist Greg Rutherford.
more details of the Midlands Diving Chamber and Greg Rutherford »

Featured in the Daily Mail Health section this week was an article promoting the work we do here with Oxygen Healing at the Midlands Diving Chamber, focusing on one of our own patients, Gwynneth Flowers.
more details of Oxygen Healing and the Daily Mail »

The bible of dive medicine is here.
FAQ Dive Medicine is a new and invaluable book brought to you by the specialist doctors at Midlands Diving Chamber and it is aimed at YOU, the diver.
more details of the FAQ Dive Medicine book »

The last episode of BBC Three's The Secrets of Everything sees self-confessed science geek and adrenaline junkie, Greg Foot, under pressure at the Midlands Diving Chamber as he and an inflatable friend attempt to dig to Australia.
more details of The Midlands Diving Chamber on the BBC's 'Secrets of Everything' TV Series »

The Midlands Diving Chamber opening as seen on the BBC.
Watch the BBC's coverage of the opening of MDC.
more information about the Midlands Diving Chamber opening as seen on the BBC »

Dive Lectures - January 2007
Download the audio/podcast from the "Dive Lectures" 2007.
more information about the Audio/Podcast from Dive Lectures 2007 offered by the London Diving Chamber » |